Equipment Essentials of a Good Tattoo Shop


With options many Tattoo Shop in Orange County, it could be tough to find the Best shop in Orange County

An autoclave machine

It is one of the most important safety devices that every studio should have. Ensuring that all the devices that are being used in process of tattoo are sterilized well, an autoclave machine actually disinfects all the tattoo equipments best tattoo shop in seoul korea.

A germ protection chemical free green soap

The vegetable based oil which is environment friendly is water soluble and is used across almost all shops for everything in a process of getting a tattoo. From cleaning the skin before piercing to cleaning the tattoo equipments; it is one of the most essential sanitary elements.

Spray bottles

Allowing the tattoo artist to clean client’s body portion without touching it, spray bottles generally contain water and diluted green soap which are used extensively during the procedure. The use of spray bottles ensures cleanliness thereby easing the whole procedure.

Tattoo needles

Yes, there are “N” numbers of varieties in tattoo needles too. Available in several size and shape, it is very important to own the basic range of it to get best designs engraved on body.

A lubricant

It might sound strange to many but actually a lubricant is also very necessary during the whole process of getting a tattoo. Be it a petroleum jelly or an aquaphor or Bacitracin; it is always counted in list of essentials.

Tattoo Machine

How could you think of tattoos without it? A good machine