Here are ten of the best stock market trading rules that you require to follow. These should always be explained before you begin your trading day and again when it ends.
1. Always apply your rules.
Many people believe that they can break their rules one in a while just to change things. You have to be disciplined sufficient to stay within the limits of your rules.
2. Don’t apply three percent or extra of your portfolio capital on one trade.
You should have from using more capital on your trades than what you really have to. Having your total portfolio guarded is a real need.
3. Always cut your losses between 5 to 15% whenever you take the wrong judgment.
You have to plan fixed to stop loss boundaries on your stocks so you can stay from losing more money than required. You require to protect your capital from more losses.
4. Don’t apply price targets.
You have to make any profits that you might experience move to progress naturally. A great idea will be to provide back some profits in order to get higher profits later on after a while. Remember, you are extra likely to get more capital if you focus on the highest moves that might come once in a while.
5. Concentrate on just one method.
Applying one easy trading method is the accurate thing to do. You can’t just apply many methods or you will lose a record of what you need to do.